Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hillary's Appalachia Adventure

A few quick thoughts on the West Virginia post-mortem…

I’m trying desperately not to adopt the Hillary Clinton philosophy that when you don’t win a state, that state becomes illegitimate. That, said, I’m having a hard time taking the West Virginia electorate seriously when, according to exit polls, three out of every 10 people won’t vote for Barack Obama because he’s black and one out of every two people thing Obama and Jeremiah Wright share the same views. Read a book. It’s called “Audacity of Hope.” Sorry, it doesn’t have pictures.

With all the talk of Saturday Night Live’s connection to this campaign, last night could have easily been an Appalachian Emergency Room skit.

On top of that, the general media is taking the Clinton win on a higher scale of “this could mean trouble for Obama” that I would have expected. It was especially off to see pundits talking this morning about the West Virginia results being indicative of where the country is going in the general election, as if this nation’s population as a whole is anything like Appalachia. That’s as bad as assuming the nation’s high school kids want to listen to Perry Como because folks in an elderly-care home do.

But saying Clinton is back in the race at this point is akin to going into a morgue, seeing a finger move in rigor mortis and yell out, “I saw a finger move! They’re going to recover and beat this!”

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