Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Decade As One

Forgive me if I indulge a bit of my sappy side.

It was 10 years ago today that I said “I do,” and it was the best thing I have ever said.

Felisa and I have now been together a decade, and that time has gone by quicker than a zephyr on a hot August night. When you’re together in that inseparable bond, you want to conquer everything together from the top of Everest to the depths of the ocean. Many of the things we talked of “we’re going to do this” 10 years ago is still on the “to do” list today. Yet, at the same time, we have seemingly lived a lifetime together.

It still seems like yesterday that I got down on one knee at Snow White’s Grotto at Disneyland and proposed to Felisa, cursing Cinderella beforehand about not getting out of the way for my preplanned proposal. Has it really been that long?

I’m a lucky guy for so many reasons. Among them that when Felisa says she’s ok with plans and ceremony being “simple,” she really means it and isn’t still expecting a pot of diamonds behind my back. It has actually been a struggle for me, as I would love to give her the world. But she is simply content with Chris, Felisa, Dylan and Danny. She really is.

When I look into Felisa’s eyes, I see my other half. I see completion. She knows my soul, and I know hers. I love her warmth where she makes you certain that the person she is talking to is the most important person on Earth. I love that she is always ready to give out a helping hand, yet so protective of those she cares about. I love that she is a true friend who would stay steadfast at your side and even if either of us was lost, return to your side. I love her incredible intelligence with a mind that can soak information better than a library. I love her beauty that has changed little in our 10 years together despite the gray hairs growing on my temples. And I so love that smile of hers and a laugh that denotes an almost mischievous happiness.

Like any marriage, we have had our ups, and yes, our downs. But I wouldn’t change anything in our growth process that has brought us to where we are right now.

It is hard to imagine anything but Chris and Felisa, as well as their partners in crime Dylan and Danny.

I love you Felisa…. From this moment, on.

(Relive our wedding proposal at